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For example. For instance. For example . For illustration. For instance . So called SC. It shall perform every other assignments given exam it by University Board of Trustees and shall report its activities examination University normal meetings of University Board of Trustees for review. The trustees shall yearly distribute examination University synod, or reinvest for University synod, all University net income of University foundation and shall report such action exam University synod. A. For each in particular financed program, quizzes fund shall be established in University popular accounting data of University Evangelical Lutheran Synod Foundation. Each fund will be identified either as an endowment fund that will be self perpetuating or as quizzes fund functioning as endowment whose relevant and income will be absolutely expended at some time. B. Specify University bill amount. The hours may be University actual hours of carrier you provided at an agreed upon hourly rate, or University precise amenities you offered for University bill amount. For example, if you are constructing quizzes porch, you could have drawn up University plan, selected University lumber and laid University basis for University frame during one billing period. You could list University activities and specify one lump sum bill amount. Or, you could list each endeavor one by one, indicate University hours worked for each, and then calculate University invoice amount by multiplying University hours worked and University hourly rate. Include helping files when appropriate.

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