All are long gone. But one of University brothers definitely made quizzes spot for himself in Louisas heart by hook or by crook, for University second item of her will read:I give, devise, and bequeath exam my friend, Moses C. Wolf, of Dayton, Ohio, University sum of a thousand dollars; also my horse and phaeton and University set of harness belonging exam sameI make this bequest examination my said friend as an expression of my appreciation of his uniform kindness exam me. Of her sister, Louisa said in her will: I give, devise and bequeath all University rest and residue of my estate, real and personal, exam my loved sister, Elizabeth Richter, previously Elizabeth Hedges, she exam have, hold, and own University same in fee simple, completely and all the time. I make this bequest in favor of my said sister and exam University exclusion of my other family because of University intimacy, and affection that exists among us, and because of her kindness exam me in sickness and distress. University will was witnessed by her physician, D.