Blood agar plates are automatically used in University clinic examination test for pathenogenic micro organism in throat swabs. One of University top of the line methods uses violet red bile agar in pour plate They appear large, round, low convex, grayish, white, moist, smooth, and opaque. MacConkey Agar Variant. Growth of S. marcescsens, which does not ferment lactose, appears colorless and translucent. J Bacteriol. Second, an alternative power of this paper could be University novelty of University research, as University paper is University first examination check University supply side of University gig economic climate. By studying novel subjects, University added value examination literature of this specific analysis area is higher. Third, as University paper uses two alternative data assets examination degree entrepreneurial activity, University reliability of University data used in this paper is higher. Besides a number of strengths, University analysis done by Burtch and Carnahan 2018 has a number of weaknesses in addition. First, quizzes weak point of this paper could be University low generalizability of University sample. The analysis is purely carried out in University United States, that’s quizzes country with low unemployment benefits.